
List of personal information shared by third parties

I. Description of list of third-party SDKS

      In order to ensure the realization of related functions of the software and the safe and stable operation of the application, we will access the software development kit (SDK) provided by the third party to achieve this purpose. We conduct strict security checks on third-party SDKS and require our partners to take strict measures to protect your personal data. When meeting new service requirements and business function changes, we may adjust the third-party SDKS we access, and publicly explain to you the latest situation of accessing third-party SDKS in this notice in a timely manner. Please note that third-party SDKS may have some changes in data types due to version upgrades, policy adjustments and other reasons. The links to their official websites or related privacy protection instructions are attached for reference. For details, please refer to their official instructions.



SDK Name Package name information Purpose of Use Permissions used Involving Personal Information Privacy Policy link/official website
uni-app(5+、web2app) io.dcloud Base modules android.permission.INTERNET
Stored personal files, device information (IMEI, ANDROID_ID, DEVICE_ID, IMSI), network information


uni-app integrates function modules by default

SDK Name Package name information Purpose of Use Permissions used Involving Personal Information Privacy Policy link/official website
阿里weexSDK uni-app基础模块默认集成,用于渲染uniapp的nvue页面引擎 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Stored personal files
Fresco图库 com.facebook.fresco 用于nvue页面加载图片使用 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Stored personal files
glide图库 com.bumptech.glide 用于图片预览使用 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Stored personal files
gif-drawable pl.droidsonroids.gif Loading a gif android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Store files
fastjson JSON parsing / /
移动安全联盟 OAID com.bun.miitmdid、com.zui.opendeviceidlibrary、com.netease.nis、、com.huawei.hms Get oaid / Device information

About the Mobile Security Alliance OAID

Mobile smart terminals supplement device identification system and SDK privacy compliance issues

The mobile intelligent terminal supplementary device identification system and SDK strictly abide by China's "Network Security Law", "Data Security Law" and "Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users" and other relevant laws and regulations, and "Information Security Technology Personal Information security Specification" and other national standards. The SDK does not actively collect any data, but only obtains the following data when the APP is called for local judgment, without any network transmission:

  • Equipment manufacturer, equipment model, and equipment brand are used to judge the terminal call interface
  • Device network operator name, used to determine the virtual machine environment
  • APP package name used to verify the signature

List of third-party SDKS

Product/Type Purpose of Use Purpose of Use Types of personal information collected Method of collection Third Party Company Name Privacy Protection Note
Stripe payment Complete order payment Use the payment function Bank card information, regional information SDK native collection, does not involve data sharing Stripe